
q determine infrared moisture balance in

Q. Determine Infrared moisture balance in flour?

Infrared moisture balance is an instrument for measuring the moisture content of materials that do not change their chemical structure while losing water under exposure to infrared radiation. A graduated scale gives continuous percentage reading of the loss of weight of the sample due to the loss of moisture. Since, drying and weighing are simultaneous, this instrument is especially useful in measuring the moisture content of substances that quickly reabsorb moisture.

Materials Required

Collect the following material for carrying out the activity:

• Sample of flour

• Moisture dish-made of porcelain, silica, glass or aluminium

• Oven-electric, maintained at 130 ± 2°C.

• Desiccator

• Weighing balance


Now carry out the practical step-by-step as enumerated herewith:

1) Weigh accurately about 5 g of the sample in the moisture dish, previously dried in the oven and weighed.

2) Place the dish in the oven maintained at 130 ± 2°C for 2 hours.

3) Cool in the dessicator and weigh.

4) Repeat the process of drying, cooling and weighing at 30 minutes intervals until the difference between two consecutive weighings is less than one milligram.

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Chemistry: q determine infrared moisture balance in
Reference No:- TGS0292565

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