
q destruction of microorganismsansdestruction or

Q. Destruction of microorganisms?


Destruction or control of growth of microorganisms is the basis of food preservation. To 'preserve' actually means fro keep safe, retain quality and prevent decomposition. Food preservation,, as you would realize, is a process by which certain foods can be preserved from getting soiled and kept safe for a longer period of time. The colour, taste and nutritive value of the food are also preserved. Microorganisms can be destroyed or controlled by the manipulation of the very factors like pH, temperature and water activity, which affect the growth of the microorganisms, using phyical or chemical methods, This is the principle behind food preservation. Let us learn aibout these methods of food preservation by describing the physical methods first.

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Biology: q destruction of microorganismsansdestruction or
Reference No:- TGS0288227

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