
q design the nozzle connections nozzle design

Q. Design the Nozzle Connections ?

Nozzle design shall be such that if the actual combined thickness of the shell or head and reinforcing pad exceeds 50 mm, either integrally reinforced nozzles or standard nozzles with the nozzle neck thickness equal to the shell or head thickness, as applicable, shall be used.

Nozzles, handholes and manway connections shall have a minimum wall thickness equivalent to extra heavy pipe.

‘Set-On' nozzle connections require prior approval.

Nozzle inside corners shall be radiused.

Nozzles NPS 2 and larger shall be seamless long welding neck flanges, or seamless pipe with welding neck flanges. Slip-on or lap joint flanges are not acceptable.

All nozzle connections shall be flanged. Threaded connections require written approval. Where threaded connections are permitted, the minimum size shall be ¾ in., 6000# rating.

Flange ratings for nozzles less than NPS 3 shall be 300# RF minimum.

The minimum inside diameter of manways shall be 508 mm unless specified otherwise on the Vessel Data Sheet. Manways shall be complete with davits for handling the manway covers, unless specified otherwise on the Vessel Data Sheet.
Nozzle or repad welds and attachments shall not overlap main seam welds or interfere with the welds of other attachments.

Vessel drains shall be flush with the inside shell or head surface and shall be located to ensure complete draining of the vessel.

Other nozzle connections may utilize an inside projection, subject to prior approval.

All manways and hand holes shall be provided with blinds, studs, nuts and an extra set of gaskets. Spares, drains, vents or other connections requiring blinds, shall be as specified on the Vessel Data Sheet.

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Mechanical Engineering: q design the nozzle connections nozzle design
Reference No:- TGS0312901

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