
q describe the levels of participation of

Q. Describe the Levels of participation of workers?

Levels of participation: participation is possible at all level of management. The areas and degree would differ considerably at different levels of management. At one extreme where decision making is reserved for authorities participation will be minimum at the other where exercise of this authority is small participation will be maximum. In between these two extremes the nature and extent of participation will vary depending upon a variety of factors including the problems the attitude and past experience of management and the development of human relations in general and labour management relations in particular. The levels of participation may range as discussed below from mere information sharing to decisive participation.

1. Information participation: refers to information sharing on such items such may be agreed to like balance sheet production economic condition of the plans etc. here the workers have no right of close scrutiny of the information provided.

2. Consultative participation: is one under which the worker are consulted in such matter as welfare programme and methods of work and safety. Management may or may not accept the suggestions. Here the members get an opportunity to express their views.

3. Associative participation: here the role of the council is not just advisory. The management is under a moral obligation to accept and implement the unanimous decision of the council.

4. Administrative participation: here a decision already taken comes to the council for the implementation with alternative to select form. Matters covered here are welfare measures and safety operation of vocational training and apprenticeship schemes preparation of schedules of working hour's breaks and holiday's payment of rewards valuable suggestions received and any other matter as may be agreed to by the members.

5. Decisive participation: here decisions are jointly taken on matter relating to production welfare etc. worker's participation in management can deal with and exercise supervisory advisory and administrative functions on matters concerning safety welfare etc. though the ultimate responsibility is vested in management. Individual grievances are excluded from its scope.

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HR Management: q describe the levels of participation of
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