
q describe characteristics of

Q. Describe Characteristics of Leadership?

Characteristics of Leadership: an analysis of the above definitions of Leadership reveals that it has the following characteristics:

1. Leadership is a process of influence: Leadership is a process whose important ingredient is the influence exercised by the leader on group members. A person is said to have an influence over others when they are willing to carry out his wishes and accept his advice, guidance, and beliefs of their followers.

2. Leadership is related to a situation: when we talk of leadership, it is always related to a particular situation, at a given point of time and under a specific set of circumstances. That means the Leadership styles will be different under different circumstances.

3. Leadership is the function of stimulation: Leadership is the function of motivating people to strive willingly to attain organizational objectives. Leaders are considered successful when they are able to subordinate the individual interests of the employees to the general interests of the organization.

4. Leadership gives an experience of helping attain the common objectives: under successful leadership, every person in the organization feels that his opinion, however, minor it may be, vital to the attainment of organizational objectives. It happens when the manager feels the importance of individuals given them recognition and tells them about the importance of activities performed by them.

5. Employees must be satisfied with the type of leadership provided: only short term productivity of the employees can be increased by pressure and punishment. This approach is not in the long term productivity. Long term interests of the organization are best served when the managers allow subordinates to influence their behaviour, particularly when the subordinates are knowledgeable and competent. The above characteristics of the leadership functions hold good in any organization whether it be a political, religious, business or any other organization.

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HR Management: q describe characteristics of
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