
q describe briefly the following methods of

Q. Describe briefly the following methods of forging :

       (i) Drop forging

       (ii) press forging

Ans. (i) Drop Forging: It is also called die forging or stamping. In this method, the pairs of dies with close dimension are used to shape the job. The die forging method is semiautomatic. The drop hammers are used in drop forging. The anvil is integral part of the frame in drop forging, the dies on top and bottom are perfectly aligned, therefore it require very less skill.

       (ii) Press forging : In this method, large mechanical and hydraulic press are used, therefore the method is called press forging. The job is heated to plastic state and then pressure on this job is applied gradually by the press.

       The metal squeezed to flow into the cavity of the dies and desired shape and size are obtained on the job.

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Other Engineering: q describe briefly the following methods of
Reference No:- TGS0158223

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