q computational fluid dynamicscomputational fluid

Q. Computational Fluid Dynamics?

Computational Fluid Dynamics: CFD was a FORTRAN like language developed in the early 70s at "Computational Fluid Dynamics Branch of Ames Research Centre" for ILLIAC IV machines which is a SIMD computer for array processing. The language design was exceptionally pragmatic. No effort was made to hide hardware peculiarities from the user. Indeed each try was made to give programmers access and control of all of hardware to help constructing resourceful programs. This language made the architectural characteristics of ILLIAC IV very apparent to programmer however it contained seeds of a number of practical programming language abstractions for data-parallel programming too. In spite of its simplicity and ad hoc machine dependencies, CFD permitted researchers at Ames to develop a range of application programs which efficiently used ILLIAC IV.

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Computer Engineering: q computational fluid dynamicscomputational fluid
Reference No:- TGS0313269

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