
q carbohydrates requirement in chronic

Q. Carbohydrates requirement in chronic diarrhoea?

Adequate amount of carbohydrates i. e 60-65% of the total energy should be given to the patient. Easily assimilated carbohydrates i.e. principally starches should be preferred. Glucose, sugar, honey, jaggery, potato, yam, colocasia, rice, sago, semolina, refined flour, pastas can be incorporated lo prepare dishes such as khichdi, vegetable/pulse puree, fruit juices, souffle, shakes, custard and kanji. The fibre content of the diet should be kept minimum and insoluble fibre should particularly be avoided. Table 14.2 and 14.3 give the low fibre and low residue foods. Allow-residue/low fiber diet limits the amount of food waste that has to move through the large intestine. These diets may help control diarrhoea and abdominal cramping and make eating more enjoyable.

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Biology: q carbohydrates requirement in chronic
Reference No:- TGS0310626

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