
q carbohydrates requirement during

Q. Carbohydrates requirement during diabetes?

Carbohydrates: These to a large extent depend on the food habits. Complex carbohydrates with more fibre are recommended to simple carbohydrates like sugars.

The amount should provide 55-65% of the day's caloric intake. The percentage and distribution of carbohydrate will vary with the insulin regimens and the treatment goals and also individual habits. Remember diabetics need not restrict their carbohydrate intake, but they can alter the type of carbohydrates in their diets, eat complex carbohydrates (whole cereals, pulses and vegetables) and avoid foods rich in simple carbohydrates (honey, jaggery, sugar and jams).

We just read about laying emphasis on complex carbohydrates. What is the benefit of complex carbohydrates over simple ones? We will now learn about the significance of incorporating complex carbohydrates, particularly the non-starch polysaccharides (dietary fibre) with respect to maintaining blood glucose within normal range.

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Biology: q carbohydrates requirement during
Reference No:- TGS0311359

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