
q can you show the systems of classification

Q. Can you show the Systems of classification plants?

The development of angiosperm classification has been one of the most fascinating subject. A study of sequential events led to various classifications from time to time by several eminent scholars, botanists and thinkers. Plants have been known from times immemorial and remained intimately associated with human life. As the number of plant known to men increased, the necessity to organise them was felt and perhaps earliest classification came into existence. The knowledge of morphology, embryology, palynology, cytology, biochemistry, physiology, and phylogeny have added steps to the concept of classification.

The story of classification has also served in evolution of various allied branches of botany. Linnaeus promulgated an artificial system of classification based on one or few characters. Thus, classification is the basic method which man employs to grip with and organise the external world. As a matter of fact, plants and animals are classified basically in the same way as the non-living objects that is on the basis of various characters. For example, cine can classify library books by the colour of their bindings or by authors. In the same manner one can classify plants by the colour of their flowers or some other characters.

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Biology: q can you show the systems of classification
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