
q can you explain yersinia enterocolitica

Q. Can you explain Yersinia Enterocolitica Gastroenteritis?

Yersiniosis is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Yersinia. Most human illness is caused by one species, I: enterocolitica. It is a gram-negative. Although normally its optimum growth temperature is about 32"C, it can grow even at temperatures below 4°C.

The organism produces an enterotoxin that survives at 100°C for 20 minutes. The symptoms of the disease include severe abdominal pain, fever and diarrhoea which occur after 24 hours due to the consumption of the incriminated food. The abdominal pain in this case resembles that of 'appendicitis'. The organism is found in the intestinal tract of several animals including pigs, cattle and dogs. I: enterocolitica has been isolated from dairy products, egg products, raw meats, poultry and vegetables.

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Biology: q can you explain yersinia enterocolitica
Reference No:- TGS0288437

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