
q can you explain salmonellosissalmonellosis is

Q. Can you explain Salmonellosis

Salmonellosis is a common food bome disease all over the world. There are approximately 1600 different strains (sero types) of Salmonella. The most common of the species is Salmonella typhimurium which causes typhoid. The members of the genus Salmonella are short (1-2 pm), motile, gram-negative and non-sporing rods. They are aerobic and facultative anaerobic. Several of the serotypes have been named after the place from where they were first isolated like S. newport etc. These organisms grow best at around 38"C, however, the growth is slow at temperatures below 10°C. They are heat sensitive and are destroyed by pasteurization and heat treatments at 60°C in 15-20 minutes.

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Biology: q can you explain salmonellosissalmonellosis is
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