
q can you explain bacillus cereus

Q. Can you explain Bacillus Cereus Poisoning?


Bacillus cereus poisoning is caused by the organism which is a large (3-5 pm long .and 1-4 pm wide), gram po%tive, motile and spore-forming rod, B. cereus is an aerobic organism but is also capable of growing under. anaerobic conditions. Mesophilic strains of B. cereus grow between temperatures of 10-45"C, with an optimum growth temperature range being 20-350C. The psychrotrophic strains, however, grow and produce toxins at temperatures as low as 4°C. Further, since it is' a spore-fonner, the heat resistant ,spores can survive the cooking process. Hence, it requires a severe heat process to destroy the spores.

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Biology: q can you explain bacillus cereus
Reference No:- TGS0288406

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