
q briefly explain about type specimens the

Q. Briefly explain about Type Specimens ?

The specimens on which the names of the species are based are kept as type specimens. Do not replace these specimens because these will serve as reference material for the species identified, Store these specimens in safe and standard museums separately from other general collection and handle them with great care, If you receive a request from other coworkers, loan these specimens to qualified I specialists and label them properly. Send them by safe and efficient means of transport. If you gift the type collection to other workers or to any museum, you still retain control and possession over this collection for your life time. You can also label I type specimens as "holotypes". If all the original specimens and even their duplicates (isotypes) are lost or destroyed by fire or some other accident, you can collect the specimens afresh and name them as "neotypes". You should remember that type specimen is the nucleus of a taxon and foundation of its name. Because of their value type are given special care by curators of herbaria, and they do not permit their being sent out on loan to other botanists or institutions.

While examining the herbarium specimen every care is to be taken in shifting the herbarium sheet. It should be lifted with the hands so that it does not bend. Do not turn over the herbarium sheets like the pages of a book. It should be lifted with both the hands and kept over the other. If you do not handle these sheets properly there is every chance of damage to specimen.

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Biology: q briefly explain about type specimens the
Reference No:- TGS0293109

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