
q basic defination of programa program generally

Q. Basic defination of program?

A program generally consists of a set of instructions and data specifying the solution of a particular problem. Programs (and data) expressed in the binary system (using 0s and 1s) are known as machine-language programs. Writing programs in this form, which demands a detailed knowledge of the computer structure, is rather tedious and error-prone. Assembly- language programming is developed by using symbolic names, known as mnemonics, and matching machine-language instructions on a more or less one-for-one basis. An assembler is then used to translate assembly-language programs into their equivalent machine-language programs. Because both assembly-language and machine-language programmings are specific to a particular computer, high-level languages (HLL) such as Fortran, Pascal, Basic, LISP, and C have been developed such that programs written by using them could be run on virtually any computer. Also, these are problem-oriented languages, which allow the user to write programs in forms that are as close as possible to the human-oriented languages.

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Computer Engineering: q basic defination of programa program generally
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