
q basic concepts of discipline and girevance

Q. Basic concepts of Discipline and girevance procedure?

Positive aspect of discipline: positive or self imposed discipline connotes a state of order in an organization. Positive discipline employs constructive force to secure its compliance. It is immeasurably more effective and plays a greater role in the business management. Employees believe in and support discipline and adhere to the rules, regulations and desired standards of behaviour. Discipline takes the form of positive support and reinforcement for the approved action and its aim to help the individual in moulding his behaviour and developing him in a corrective and superior manner. This type of approach is called positive approach or constructive discipline or self discipline. Positive discipline according to Spiegel enables an employee, "to have a greater freedom in that he enjoys a greater degree of self expression in striving to achieve the group objective, which he identifies as his own". In short, it can be said that positive discipline prevails only where the employees have a high morale.

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HR Management: q basic concepts of discipline and girevance
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