Pythagoras Jones has just inherited $1,000,000 and wishes to invest this sum in the ?ve funds given below.
Fund Name Code Return Risk
P1 Aussie Growth Limits (AG) .065 .035
P2 Wealthy People Leverage (WPL) .080 .025
P3 Christmas Stocking Revenues (CSR) .105 . 030
P4 Best Haven Protection (BHP) .115 .040
P5 Cash Bene?t Assets (CBA) .135 .050
Funds P1, P3 have a negative correlation coe?cient -0.3 and funds P2, P5 a positive correlation cofficient +0.6. All other pairs of funds are uncorrelated. There are no restrictions on short selling and Pythagoras has a risk aversion parameter claculated to be t = 0.005 units.
1. Explain which investors short sell in this market and which funds they short sell. Are there any funds which no-one will short sell?