Question: Pygmalion was a mythical king of Cyprus who sculpted a figure of the ideal woman and then fell in love with his own creation. The Pygmalion effect in psychology refers to a situation where high expectations of a supervisor translates into improved performance by subordinates. A study was conducted in an army training camp using a company of male recruits and one of female recruits. Each company had two platoons. One platoon in each company was randomly selected to be the Pygmalion platoon. At the conclusion of basic training, soldiers took a battery of tests. The following table gives the population mean scores for female (F) and male (M) soldiers. PP denotes the Pygmalion platoon and CP denotes the control platoon.

(a) Is this an additive design? Justify your answer.
(b) Compute the main gender effects and the main Pygmalion effect.
(c) Compute the interaction effects.