
Put yourself in their shoes if you had read this what am i

Declaration of Independence Assignment

The Declaration of Independence can be found in the back of you text book. Read the Document and respond to it using the steps below. This is not a research project...you don't need to go online. Everything you need to write this response can be found in the text book and in your head. If you find yourself ‘cutting and pasting' anything you are on the wrong path. If the plagiarism checker turns in a report on you it is an automatic zero.

This is a simple project, don't make me have a bad summer.

Step One: READ the Declaration of Independence.

Step Two: After you READ the Declaration of Independence, you will remember the two dozen, or so, specific grievances (Which you just READ in READING the Declaration of Independence) that Thomas Jefferson brings against the King of England. Select from this list of grievances, which you READ, the three that you believe are the most grievous and why they are the worst grievances in the list, which you READ.

Step Three: From that same list, which you READ, select the three grievances you feel were the least grievous and explain why.

Step Four: Put yourself in their shoes. If you had read this (what am I talking about, of course you have READ this) back in 1776, would you have been ready to declare independence? Remember what that means...you would be willing to take up arms and kill your own countrymen over the grievances listed in this document. Explain why or Why not.

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History: Put yourself in their shoes if you had read this what am i
Reference No:- TGS01581872

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