
Pursuing distributive negotiation

Please assist me in answering and understand the below scenrio:

Imagine that a job applicant has been offered a job as an HR officer at Z-firm. Both sides (the applicant and the hiring manager)need to negotiate the starting salary. Statistical data indicates that HR officer starting salaries are around $40,000. Z-firm, however, is highly respected in its industry and receives many job applications from all over the country. That is why the applicant has decided not to state an exact salary level, but to negotiate it.

Role-play the negotiation as if both sides (the applicant and the hiring manager) were pursuing distributive (win-lose) negotiation. Then, switch roles and role-play the negotiation as if both sides were pursuing integrative (win-win) negotiation. Each role should consider how best to apply power and influence principles to accomplish their side's negotiation goals.

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HR Management: Pursuing distributive negotiation
Reference No:- TGS01617929

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