
Purposes of the federal government

Identify and explain at least six purposes of the federal government

Paper instructions:

To whom it may concern: Nothing worse then wait till the last minute.

I’m in a bad situation and didn’t have time to do this paper so hope someone can help me finish this by Today!. I do not have much money to spend.. I am a college student so PLEASE cut me a break! If all goes well You can assist me with more writing assignments in the future because I can’t stand research papers.

1. Please do not bid unless you have expert english writing skills.

2. Must have completed political science course or expert research paper writing skills.

The requirement is 600 words minimum.

APA writing format is required.


Identify and explain at least six purposes of the federal government found in the Summary section of Chapter 1.  Use this as your basis for the six purposes and NOT the Preamble of the Constitution, and why the founding fathers felt these concepts were critical to our nation’s stability. Address the condition of society when each of these concepts are abused or do not exist.  For example, when there is no order in society, there is anarchy.

Book:Politics in America – Thomas Dye

Chapter One Summary:

The Purposes of Government:

The purposes of government are to:

Maintain order in society.
Provide for national defense
Provide “public goods.”
Regulate society
Transfer income
Protect individual liberty

I can provide page format for microsoft word requirements.
The paper MUST pass TurnItIn.com for plagiarism test.

These are research papers–as such, you are required to use outside resources (not just your textbook and never Wikipedia).  Research papers do not allow for personal opinion and anything that does not have a citation indicating that it came from someone else, is considered personal opinion and/or plagiarism.

Note:  Each and very paragraph MUST contain a citation.

Microsoft word format and must me APA formatting requirement. Also I can provide exact specifications for microsoft word page style format if necessary.

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Other Subject: Purposes of the federal government
Reference No:- TGS01613394

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