Purpose this assessment builds students oral and written

Question: Assessment 1

Assessment Type: Individual assessment. Report on a small business in the form of a magazine article (1,000 words).

Purpose: This assessment builds students oral and written communication skills, and gives the students real life understanding of the challenges and rewards of running a business. This relates to Learning Outcome a. Value: 20% Due Date: Week 4 - specific time and day will be advised via Moodle Submission: Soft copy uploaded to Moodle and Turnitin - Word .doc or .docx Topic: Personal Business Management Experience Task Details: This assessment has two (2) elements: Interview: Students are to collect information so that they can write about the challenges and benefits of running a business. Discuss what skills they feel are important in achieving business success. It is advised that students draft a list of questions and consult with their tutor as to the suitability of the questions. Important: as this assessment is due in Week 4, it is advised that students draft their questions and review with their tutor by Week 2, so there is sufficient time to conduct the interview and form the written article response. Written Report: Students need to form their written response in a format suitable for a magazine article. This could be in question/answer form with appropriate background explanations, or could be in the form a story. The article should be approximately 1000 words in length. Presentation: Single spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt, Calibri 11pt or Arial 10pt. Magazine article format - use a single column format. Title, name and student number. You may include a small image of the interviewee if you wish, although this is not essential. Marking Guide: The ten criteria assessed in the writing task are:

1. Audience - The writer's capacity to orient, engage and affect the reader

2. Text structure - The organisation of narrative features including orientation, complication and resolution into an appropriate and effective text structure

3. Ideas - The creation, selection and crafting of ideas for a narrative

4. Character and setting - Character: The portrayal and development of character Setting: The development of a sense of place, time and atmosphere

5. Vocabulary - The range and precision of language choices

6. Cohesion - The control of multiple threads and relationships over the whole text, achieved through the use of referring words, substitutions, word associations and text connectives BUS709 BUS709 COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS T117 FINAL 17-02-2017 PAGE 9 OF 14 *AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT PTY LTD © ABN: 72 132 629 979 CRICOS 03171A

7. Paragraphing - The segmenting of text into paragraphs that assists the reader to negotiate the narrative

8. Sentence structure - The production of grammatically correct, structurally sound and meaningful sentences

9. Punctuation - The use of correct and appropriate punctuation to aid reading of the text

10. Spelling - The accuracy of spelling and the difficulty of the words used. The following table shows criteria and the range of score points for the writing task A more detailed marking rubric will be provided in Moodle.

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Management Theories: Purpose this assessment builds students oral and written
Reference No:- TGS02258380

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