
Purpose of your management research project

Problem 1. What is the specific purpose or objective of your management research project?

The purpose of this project is to address an organization issue that is currently being faced by the HR department of XXX Company. There is a huge dissatisfaction amongst employees related to their training and development. HR plans to identify the cause of dissatisfaction and then tailor their training programs appropriately.

Problem 2. Organizationally, what departments or business units are to be investigated or researched?

Organizationally, the main sponsor of this project will be the HR department of the XXX Company. The departments that will be researched include:

a. Manufacturing

b. Engineering

c. IT

d. Other Administrative Areas

Problem 3. Is your research project one in which specific hypotheses are to be generated and thus to be subjected to proof or verification as an outcome of your study?

Yes, specific hypothesis will be developed based on what certain employees may like in a training program. This hypothesis will be proved or disapproved using Conjoint Analysis results. Further research will be conducted if our research does not match with our intuition.

Problem 4. Do you know the possible outcomes of your management research project from the start?

No, the researcher does not know the possible outcome of the management research project from the start. The results of the analysis will reveal the attributes that are most important to certain group of individuals. These results will then be used by HR.

Problem 5. For whom is the research project being undertaken?

This research is being undertaken for the HR department of XXX Company. The name of the company has been kept confidential in order to not violate any confidentiality agreements. The employees of XXX Company will ultimately benefit from this project as they will be able to get better training programs.

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Other Management: Purpose of your management research project
Reference No:- TGS01769292

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