
purpose of writing research reportthree main


Three main purposes are there for writing a research report. These are:

i) Writing report for partial fulfillment of your degree.

ii) Writing report for a professional journal for dissemination or formation and findings to the scientific and professional community. 

iii) Writing report for newspaper to communicate to a larger population. 

i) Writing Report for Partial Fulfillment of a Degree
Writing a report for partial fulfillment of your degree means it will be read by other researchers to study the whole research methodology as well as the relevance of these findings in the field of nursing.

ii) Writing Report for Professional Journals
Writing report for professional journals, articles in journals are to up-date information on research in different areas of a discipline. By reading an article on a research study in a journal you get an idea about the research design of the particular study as well as the findings of the study together with the analysis of these findings. For details you may have to directly contact the researcher/author.

iii) Writing Report to Communicate to a Larger Population
If the research report is of public interest like smoking and health or malaria or any other problem which general public is interested in, you can communicate your findings through publishing the same in newspapers or popular magazines. Here readers are not interested in the method you have used. Instead, you need to communicate how reliable your findings are using simple language and avoiding scientific terms.

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