
Purpose of the assignments is to enable students to use

Assignment formatting requirements:

- Times New Roman;
- Size 12;
- 1.5 spacing (1.5 spacing does not apply to tables and figures);
- with 2.5cm margin

Assignments Submission

- Via LMS assignment submission link available two weeks before the assignment due dates
- Students are required to generate an originality report to check thoroughly to ensure all work are properly referenced when applicable

The purpose of the assignments is to enable students to use planning and evaluation techniques and tools to design a project within the area of their interests. The individual assignments and group assignments may be related. Although the assignment should be prepared individually, students who are allocated in the same group are strongly encouraged to support each other in preparation of the assignment. However, please do not copy each other's work.

Focus: To develop required details of a project plan based on a project that was proposed as a result of the group assignment (needs analysis) or a project of your choice. Please make sure you let your group know if you would not like to develop your assignment based on the group project or continue working with the group for the final submission.

Final assignment must include the following in the suggested sequence:

- Cover page (refer to required details in the next page);
- Project aims, objectives and strategies (these could be very similar between group members)
- Key personnel (without budget details);
- Key project stakeholders to be consulted and informed during the project planning, implementation and evaluation process;
- Project sustainability consideration;
- Table in Landscape format: Project strategies and relevant activities with detailed timeframe and allocated responsibilities (use template provided);
- Table in landscape format: detailed design of process evaluation (use template provided);
- Table in landscape format: detailed design of impact evaluation (use template provided);

Outline of assignment

Cover Page:
Project Title
Author Name (student number)
Target population and geographic coverage Timeframe of the project
Estimated budget

New page (s)

Project overview (no more than 150 words) (describe what the overall project is about); Project Aim;

Project Objectives (four to six objectives); Project Strategies (five to seven strategies);

Project key personnel (those who will manage or be involved in the implementation of the project);

Key project stakeholders (those groups or organisations who should be consulted and informed during the project planning, implementation and evaluation process);

Project sustainability consideration (no more than 300 words) (details actions/strategies that you have built in the project design in order to sustain the project benefits).

New page (s): Project Strategies (up to seven key strategies, simply copy what you developed The cover page) and key activities with timeline and responsible person/position

New page (s): Process Evaluation

New page (s): Impact Evaluation

- Detailing the evaluation questions, methods for measurement and information/data collection, responsible persons, and associating timeframes;

- Please use the template provided. You can fit majority of the information in the table for both process and impact evaluation. However, you may need explanations on specific details which may include after the table.

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Dissertation: Purpose of the assignments is to enable students to use
Reference No:- TGS01644015

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