
purpose of supervisionpurpose to help the

Purpose of Supervision:

Purpose: To help the personnel to grow, to know themselves and what they need in order to render the most efficient service and to give them assistance  in acquiring knowledge and techniques necessary for self-development. Objectives  for Supervision The objectives  of supervision  include  the  following: 

1)  Meeting the predetermined work objectives of providing quality nursing care to patients in a hospital or for preventive, promotive and rehabilitative care to people in the community. 

2)  Ensuring that the subordinate  staff or supervisee does what she is supposed to do. 

3)  Promoting motivation and morale among all the nursing staff. 

Successful supervision by the supervisor is based on the love of  people and the desire to assist each worker to develop his ability to contribute his best efforts to .the nursing care df  patients.  

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Biology: purpose of supervisionpurpose to help the
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