Question: Purpose: Identify summary information about companies. This information includes basic descriptions of the company's location, activities, industry, financial health, and financial performance.
Steps: 1. Type in a company name, or use the index to find company name.
2. Under Financials, choose Income Statement. Perform instructions (a) and (b) below.
3. Under Company, choose Industry to identify others in this industry. Perform instructions (c)-(e) below.
Instructions Answer the following questions.
(a) What is the company's net income? Over what period was this measured?
(b) What is the company's total sales? Over what period was this measured?
(c) What is the company's industry?
(d) What are the names of four companies in this industry?
(e) Choose one of the competitors. What is this competitor's name? What is its total sales? What is its net income?