Video by the
Answer the following questions:
1- What is copyright?
2- Copyright is automatic when _____________.
3- Is a copyright symbol (c) required for a work to be protected under copyright?
4- What are three things not protected by copyright?
5- Logos and tag lines are not protected by copyright but may be protected by ___________.
6- What four factors are used to determine whether the use of a copyrighted work is allowed under “fair use”?
7- What is the first sale doctrine?
8- What is “attribution” as it pertains to copyright?
9- What is “public domain” as it pertains to copyright?
10- When in doubt, get _______ from the copyright holder.
11- Find a credible website (perhaps a .gov website) and briefly describe the difference between a patent, trademark and copyright.
Part II: ISU Library”s OneSearch tool and citing
Using the ISU Library”s OneSearch tool, perform the following search:
Boolean/Phrase: wearable technology
Limiters: Full Text, Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, Available in Library Collection, Published between 2012 and 2014
Source Type: Academic Journals
Subject: Google Glass
Copy and paste the “Current Search” section on the left side of the screen into your MS Word document.
How would you cite (in a references section) the first search result in APA format?
(Hint: Use OneSearch to help you. If you weren”t in class, visit the OneSearch help link.)
Library link:
Part III: Creative Commons:
Watch the Creative Commons video and review the content on the Creative Commons “about” web page.
Answer the following questions:
1. Briefly describe the purpose and benefits of the Creative Commons.
2. Briefly describe how Creative Commons help creators opt-out of copyright altogether?
3. What”s the direct link (URL) to the Creative Commons webpage that allows you to search for content to share, use and remix?