
Purpose to introduce students to or enhance students

Paper: Frist Center Paper

Purpose: To introduce students to or enhance students' experience of visiting an art gallery or museum, viewing an exhibition, and offering a critical analysis of a work of art from that exhibition.


1. Read the Visiting a Gallery orMuseum guidelines that are posted on elearn. Then, visit the exhibition, Phantom Bodies at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts (919 Broadway).

2. Spend several minutes reviewing the entire exhibition as a first step. Next, select one (1) painting or sculpture. Then, following the same process you used in class, spend several minutes, (ex-15 minutes or more) looking and reviewing the painting. During your review, quickly jot down notes of everything you see, what you believe each object/item represents, and your initial impressions and/or thoughts about the painting or sculpture.

3. Take a 10 to 15 minute break, then return to the painting or sculpture, and spend another 15 minutes looking at the work. This time make more detailed notes about what you see and think. Identify the visual or formal elements, (ex--line, color, shape, texture, etc) and the principles of design, (ex--?unity, variety, balance, emphasis, subordination, etc) that are included in the work.

4. Make a sketch of the painting.

5. Based on your observations, thoughts, sketch, and notes about the work, create a thesis statement that states the meaning the artist is attempting to convey to the viewer with the work. Then, using your thesis, write a three (3) page analysis of the painting.

6. The first paragraph of your analysis should provide: (1) an overview of the entire exhibition, including the meaning of phantom bodies, and (2) identifying information about the work you selected, including the title of the work, the artist's name, medium, size, the date the work was created, and how it was acquired for the collection. (NOTE: Much of this information should be available on the caption that accompanies the painting, or the signs located throughout the exhibition). Also, include your thesis statement in this paragraph.

7. The bulk of your paper should provide three (3) arguments that support your thesis, including a detailed discussion of the formal orvisual elements (Ch. 4-7) and the principles of design (Ch. 8) that are present in the artwork as one of your arguments.

8. Next, briefly explaining why you did or did not find the painting appealing. (Note: Here you are being asked to offer your opinion of the work).

9. Finally, conclude your paper by answering these questions: Is this a successful work of art? Why or why not? Support your answer with specific examples of the principles of design that are included in the work. (Note: Here you are being asked to offer a judgment based on your knowledge of design principles).

10. Your analysis must be typed, and double-spaced with one (1) inch margins on all sides.

11. Include a Works Cited page for any sources you consulted and/or used, andattach a copy of the brochure from the exhibitionand your entrance sticker, with your analysis.

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Other Subject: Purpose to introduce students to or enhance students
Reference No:- TGS01180536

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4/9/2016 1:43:19 AM

There is a paper that will include all assessment of Frist Center Paper Purpose: To introduce students to or improve students' experience of visiting an art gallery or museum, viewing an exhibition, and offering a critical analysis of a work of art from that exhibition. Such as Guidelines: 1. Read the Visiting a Gallery or Museum guidelines that are posted on elearn. Then, visit the exhibition, Phantom Bodies at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts (919 Broadway). 2. Spend numerous minutes reviewing the entire exhibition as a 1st step. Next, choose one painting or sculpture. Then, subsequent the same process you used in class, spend several minutes, (ex-15 minutes or more) looking and reviewing the painting. During your review, rapidly jot down notes of everything you see, what you believe each object/item symbolizes, and your initial impressions and/or thoughts about the painting or sculpture.