Q1. What is your age? (Ratio)
a. From Under 20 to 29
b. From 30-39
c. From 40-49
d. From 50-59
e. 60+
Q2. The current automobile you own or lease would be? (Nominal)
a. Car
b. Truck
c. SUV
d. Minivan
e. Do not have an automobile
Q3. When purchasing or leasing a new automobile, which factor is most important to you? Please Rank the below with a number value of 1 to 5. 1 being the least important factor and 5 the most important. (Ordinal)
Fuel Economy
Cost of the automobile
Styling of the automobile
Brand incentives (amount of discount(s) available on automobile)
Quality reputation of the brand manufacturer
Which brand of automobile are you most likely to purchase or lease next? (Nominal)
a. GM (Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, GMC)
b. Ford (Ford, Lincoln, Mazda)
c. Dodge (Dodge, Chrysler)
d. Toyota
e. Honda
Q4. What is your zip code? _____________ (Nominal)
1. The age question is a ratio because of it’s a positive number still holding the zero at a value.
2. The current automobile question is nominal because of the label instead of the value.
3. The purchasing or leasing of an automobile importance question is ordinal because of the value determining the importance on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 interpreting the most important.
4. The brand of automobile question is nominal because of the label of the vehicle and categorical.
5. The zip code question is nominal because of the zip code variable is that of numbers.