
Purchasing decisions of children in polish community

Respond to the following observations on the Topic: Evaluate Social Conditioning of Purchasing Decisions of Children in Polish Community in the UK in a maximum of around 3 pages (750 words).


The Observation notes and observation sheet is enclosed which can assist in your task.

There are three types of analysis. For each observation do: content analysis, narrative analysis and thematic analysis.

• Content analysis - how many times did certain word appeared? What they were talking about during shopping trip etc.? Any form of communication (normally written)

• Narrative analysis – chain of sequences of events, construction of realities through telling stories

• Thematic analysis – uncovering or using existing themes to find meaning

- Can you use the tables in order to show the differences and similarities between those 3 observations and explain what those tables present and what do they mean.

- Can you refer the primary results to the secondary results and tell whether they are similar or different

- Can you use TRIANGULATION (literature review, primary data and secondary data) to demonstrate whether they match or not.

I did observation during shopping trips of parents with children. I prepared observation forms and I decided to observe three parents with children during shopping trips.

Observation 1: I went to the participant’s house. Before going to do the shopping, the mother fed her son and she explained him the purpose of the shopping. She said that they will go shopping because their family from Poland is coming. She also said that they will not buy any toys. She told her son what products he may see in the supermarket. She acknowledged her son to behave well so that they could do shopping quickly and they could go to the playground to have fun. He was good and he listened to his mum. He was not destructed by anything or anyone and he was close to the trolley. The child was in a good mood and he was happy during the shopping trip. The child is not moaning. During the shopping trip, the parent behaved well. She was patient and was not nervous when the child was looking at the products. She did not tell him to hurry up while he was watching the products that interested him. She was calm and patient throughout the shopping trip. The mood of the boy’s mum was the same all the time. She was in a good mood and did not shout at her son. She was not stressed. The atmosphere is nice and friendly. The child did not persuade his mum to buy certain products; however, I noticed that he was looking at cereals and yoghurt. He asked his mum if he could get it but she said that he has cereals at home. He also looked at the toy (Toy Story) and I think that he would like to get it. He did not say anything about it to his mum though. The child paid attention to certain products. The child wanted to buy few products, for example, cereals, yoghurts. He also paid attention to some toys. The son was not moaning at all. The parent told her son that he cannot choose cereals because he has at home; however, he can choose different product (only one product). The child did not pay special attention to billboard adverts. During the shopping trip the mother encouraged her son to help her in choosing some products. For example, she asked him if he can give her a pocket of yeast. He told her son not to go far away so that he would not get lost. She has big influence on her child as the child listened to her all the time during the shopping. Parent bought yoghurt for her son. In total, she bought one product for her son.

Observation 2: I met the participant and her child in Lewisham Shopping Centre. The mother and her son are in a good mood. Before going the stores, the mother did not tell her son how he should behave; however, she said that the purpose of the store is to buy grocery and clothing. The child was very loud, happy and energetic. He wanted to run around; however, he calmed down in few minutes. At the beginning of the shopping trip the child behaved well; however, he starts to be distracted by different products during shopping, e.g. packaging colours of toys in Tesco. The change of child’s behaviour is probably because of the long shopping as the child was getting bored and inpatient. The mother told her son that he cannot run around because they need to do shopping and then they have to go to see someone. At the beginning the mother was patient and calm; however; she started to loosing her patience later on as the child was noisier than at the beginning. At the beginning of the shopping mother was excited about the shopping with her son; however; later on her mood changed because of the child’s behaviour. She got irritated a little bit later; however, she tried to become calm. The mother explained her son that he cannot behave bad because the have to do shopping. During the shopping trip, the child stopped outside every corner shop and asked his mum to buy him something. We stopped about five times. He was still very loud. There is a use of pester power because the child was nagging almost all the time. The child paid attention to many products, e.g. toys, sweets, yoghurts, crisps, t-shirts and many more. The child’s mother bought her son most of the products that he wanted. She did not look at the price. At the end of the shopping trip; the mother told her son that they cannot buy anymore products as he got enough of them. The child paid attention to outdoor advertising such as bus stops and outside the stores. He paid attention to colours of advertising and the product that was being advertised. At the beginning of the shopping the parent had influence on the child’s behaviour; however, after about one hour, the parent did not have big influence on the child during the shopping trip as the child did not really wanted to listen to her. The mother bought many products for her son, such as clothes, sweets, yoghurts, sweets, juice, biscuits and many more. The mother bought about 10 products for her son.

Observation 3: I met the participant outside the store in Greenwich. Before entering the shop, the mother told her daughter that she has two shopping lists, one for the mother and one for the daughter so that they can do the shopping. The parent told her daughter that she should try to find everything from the list and if she will get something that is not on the list, she will not get a star which is as a surprise (if she gets ten stars, she could choose the product that she could buy next weekend during shopping). The parent acknowledged her daughter what is the purpose of shopping. During the shopping trip the child tried to find everything from the list (altogether she had to find ten products). She was behaving well throughout the shopping and is focused on finding the products. The reason why she is behaving in a good manner is that she had a goal to find the products so that she was not getting bored. The parent was calm, patient and did not show that she was nervous. She seemed to understand her daughter well so that she knew how she would behave (that’s what she told me). The mother was patient throughout the shopping trip and it was an adventure for both the mother and her daughter. The mother told me that they always look for products together. The mother’s mood was good as she seemed to be excited when shopping. The mother did not persuade/convince her mum to buy her certain products. The child did not use “pester power” to get the product that she wanted. The child paid attention to snacks; however she did not put them to the trolley because she knew that she should get everything from the shopping list so that she would earn stars. The participant’s daughter was not moaning at all. After shopping, the girl paid attention to adverts that were on the buses. The parent had massive influence on her daughter as the daughter listened to her and was not moaning. She told her daughter that she would not get a star if she would put products to the basked that were not on the list. The parent decided to buy her t-shirt that her daughter wanted. It was as a reward for good behaviour. She bought her one product.

Attachment:- observation-notes.docx

Attachment:- observation-sheet-corrections.docx

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