Solve the following problem:
In coded and interleaved DS binary PSK modulation with pulse jamming and soft-decision decoding, the cutoff rate is
R0 = 1 - log2( 1 + ae-αεc/N0)
where α is the fraction of the time the system is being jammed, Ec = εbR, R is the bit rate, and N0 ≡ J0.
a. Show that the SNR per bit, εb/N0, can be expressed as
εb/N0 = 1/αR In α/21-R0 - 1
b. Determine the value of α that maximizes the required εb/N0 (worst-case pulse jamming) and the resulting maximum value of εb/N0.
c. Plot the graph of 10 log(εb/r N0) versus R0, where r = R0/R, for worst-case pulse jamming and for AWGN (α = 1). What conclusions do you reach regarding the effect of worst-case pulse jamming?