
Pulse generator-analogue waveform


To design a VI that can also be used as a Sub VI in another VI.

The title of the VI will be Pulse Generator.

The output from the VI will be of the type Analogue Waveform and be capable of being displayed on an appropriate Waveform Graph.

The Analogue waveform will represent a continuously adjustable single pulse or multiple pulse train.

The inputs to the VI will perform the following functions:

1) Set the number of pulses. Default 5 pulses.

2) Set the duration of the pulse. Default 0.5 (s).

3) Set the number of points per pulse. Default 500 points/pulse.

4) Set the pulse height. Default 5 (V)

5) Set the Offset (-5 to 5). Default 0 (V)

6) Set the lead in time as a percentage of the pulse width. Default 10%

7) Set the lag out time as a percentage of the pulse width. Default 20%

8) A check box that will invert the pulse.


A printed report that fully documents the operation of your software, explaining clearly how each section works.

A working copy of the software submitted with the report on a CD in a version of 8.6 or less.

A software demonstration may be required to ensure that the work submitted is your own.

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Electrical Engineering: Pulse generator-analogue waveform
Reference No:- TGS06486

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