Pulse and digital switching circuits

Question 1: Why does R-C coupling provide constant current gain over the mid-frequency gain?

Question 2: Why does response of amplifier doesn’t remain flat at all the frequencies.

Question 3: What are distributed amplifiers?

Question 4: Describe the condition of RC circuit to work as differentiation.

Question 5: Why RC circuits are chosen over the RL circuits for large time constant applications.

Question 6: What do you mean by the term linear network?

Question 7: What do you mean by the term Linear Wave Shaping?

Question 8: What do you mean by Attenuator? Describe the applications.

Question 9: For a long time constant RC high pass circuit with a symmetrical square wave input, determine the tilt.

Question 10: Integrators are always chosen over the differentiators. Explain why?

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Electrical Engineering: Pulse and digital switching circuits
Reference No:- TGS07534

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