
Publicly traded companies have a great deal of information

Choose a company that you would like to study as part of this course, and gather information to help you address specific aspects. The company you choose should be publicly traded so you have access to critical information. You may choose to use the company where you are currently employed, or another company with which you have sufficient knowledge. If you choose to use the company where you work, you may wish to change the name of the company to protect its identity.

Publicly traded companies have a great deal of information available on their Web sites. You may also wish to search the variety of publicly available sources of business information to better understand how others (analysts, competitors, customers) view the company. In addition, you may also wish to search other professional business databases that you may have access to through your work or your public library. Some examples of publicly available sources are: newspapers; financial, trade, and association journals; databases; government statistics; and so on.

Assessment Requirements

Prepare a 3-5-page report for the executive leadership of the company you have selected. Be sure to include a title page and reference page. Within your report, include the following:

  • Company Analysis (approximately one page).Identify the company, the type of business or industry it is associated with, and the location of the company's headquarters.
  • Explain the company's strategic vision and how it differentiates itself in the marketplace.
  • Describe the company's product lines and the markets it serves.
  • Product Analysis (2-4 pages).Describe one product offered by the company that has the potential to be marketed in a way that could improve the product's standing in the global marketplace. This may be a product that you believe has been marketed ineffectively, or is missing an opportunity for greater success. Note: All of the assessments in this course will focus on the product you select.
  • Analyze the internal and external factors that affect the success of the product.This is, essentially, a SWOT analysis. The internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) are the resources and capabilities that currently support the product. The external factors (opportunities and threats) include things such as political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological issues.
  • Evaluate the current marketing strategy.How well does it align with the company's strategic vision?
  • How well does it represent the product?
  • How effective is it at reaching a broad demographic?

Support your analyses with at least four relevant resources, including the Web site of the company you have chosen.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Length: 3-5 pages, double-spaced, not including title page and reference page.
  • Resources: At least 4. Resources must be formatted according to current APA guidelines.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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Business Management: Publicly traded companies have a great deal of information
Reference No:- TGS02279705

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