
Publicly available information about each domain

Research sun.com, whois.net, and icann.org your goal is to find out all the publicly available information about each domain, including domain registration information, DNS records, and IP addresses. At a minimum, you will submit the following for each domain:
-Domain admin email address
-Domain expiration date
-All name servers for the domain
-All available A records
-All available MX records

Case Project 5-2: Installing a Primary DNS Zone
You need to install DNS on your company's server. Create a primary DNS zone on CS-SRV-001 for the following domains:
Add DNS suffixes to CS-SRV-001 and CS-SCSRV-001 for the domains so that they can update their records in DNS. After adding the suffixes, verify that each server has A records listed in each DNS zone. Once the A records are available in each domain, create CNAME records in each domain so the alias "Primary" refers to CS-SRV-001 and "Secondary" refers to CS-SCSRV-001.
Case Project 5-3: Installing a Secondary DNS Zone
Now that you have a primary DNS zone for the badgertools.local and buckyutilities.local, you need some redundancy. Create secondary DNS zones for each domain on CS-SRV-001. After the zone is created, verify that you can resolve names from the server by pointing CS-SCSRV-001 towards itself for DNS.

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Basic Computer Science: Publicly available information about each domain
Reference No:- TGS091107

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