Public sector counter services


Read the following text and answer all the questions in this section

By its very nature, government services are indispensable to development of a thriving and competitive economy and the maintenance of a stable society.  Citizens and corporate bodies, as customers of the government, have the legitimate right to quality, timely and efficient public services.

The impression one gets from a counter or customer service is of crucial importance as efficiency and effectiveness of the Ministry or Department, and by extension of civil service, is perceived through the attitude of front-line officers, the response time and actual service delivery.

The quest for quality and excellence in delivery of public services is a must. Indeed a quality public counter/customer service leads to satisfied customers and creates a positive image of public organizations. In line with vision and commitment of Government to provide high quality and seamless services, public organizations must aim to provide their customers with the courteous, rapid and effective service.

(Extract from “Providing Quality Counter/Customer Services” MCSAR, June 2008)

Question 1:

What do you mean by quality customer service? Illustrate out any one of the characteristics of such a service.

Question 2:

What benefits do customers derive if they’re provided with quality services? Demonstrate your answer with a concrete instance from public sector.

Question 3:

How would public sector organizations advantage if they provide quality service to their customers?

Question 4:

Discuss a few improvements brought to public sector counter services and explain with illustrations how these services can be further enhanced to project an even better image of public sector.

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Other Management: Public sector counter services
Reference No:- TGS09201

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