Public private partnership guidance manual

Question 1:

Because of severe budgetary constraints which are facing the central government, public sector projects are being resorted to on public-private basis. Illustrate out what is public-private-partnership (PPP)?

Question 2:

International financial institutions encourage government to tap in the advantages of private capital to enable public sector project benefits. What are the advantages of public-private-partnership?

Question 3:

There are numerous kinds of PPP arrangements which can be mounted to suit dissimilar categories of project. Illustrate out the dissimilar forms PPP arrangements can take?

Question 4:

PPP needs to satisfy suitable parameters to be acceptable. What are the criteria for the good PPP project?

Question 5:

Define risk as per the Public Private Partnership Guidance Manual.

Question 6:

Write down the primary objectives of transferring risks from the contracting authority to a private sector contractor.

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Other Management: Public private partnership guidance manual
Reference No:- TGS08328

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