
Public policy peace operations

Course: Public Policy Peace Operations – EXPERIENCIAL APPLICATIONS

Course Overview:

Purpose of the Class:

Peace Operations I examines theories of peace and stability operations. Peace Operations II features guest speakers who detail their work in the field. Both approach our discipline from a functional perspective. Experiential Applications concentrates on the institutional mindsets, characteristics, and behaviors of the actors involved in these operations. Readings, role-plays, and research underpin the class.  Special attention is also paid to developing students’ investigative and graduate-level writing skills.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the class, students will be familiar with the different types of actors—civilian/military, government/ non-governmental, and local/international—typically participating in an intervention, including their motivations and style of involvement.  They will better understand their ability to address conflict parties and fellow intervenors.


Fill in your response in the attached .doc file “Peace_Agreements_Worksheet_F14”

For those of you with MORE THAN ONE agreement, only fill out the form/print out the MOST RECENT ONE. Read through the peace agreement seeking to identify the following items, and fill them in on this worksheet similar to the example I provided:

1. Country (Date): Your country (Guatemala) and the year the agreement was signed – for those of you who have had multiple agreements, please insert which number this most recent one is (i.e. 8th)

2. Status: Interstate/Intrastate? And who are the parties that signed the agreement?

3. Refugees and Human Rights: What are the highest order items mentioned in the agreement? Is a body named to monitor HR?

4. Governance: Are there to be new elections? Is a constitution being drawn up? What does it say about governance (highest order items)?

5. Host Military: What are the expectations for your country’s military?

6. Peacekeeping Forces: What does your agreement say about presence of peacekeeping forces? Who are they?

7. DD&R: What does your agreement say about disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of ex-combatants?

8. Demining: Any mention of demining? If so, what are the specifics (highest order)?

9. Rule of Law: What does your peace agreement mention about police, courts, or prisons? Any amnesties? Anything about settling of disputes in the future?

Hint I: https://www.usip.org/publications/peace-agreements-digital-collection

has copies of peace agreements.

Hint II: Note how condensed the information is in the attached table/Cambodia example…

Hint III: If there is no info in your agreement for a particular category, insert N/A – do not look for it elsewhere

Order Instructions:

– For this order you are to fill in your response in the attached .doc file “Peace_Agreements_Worksheet_F14”

– You are to draft your response based on the components indicated above.

– Your assigned country for this assignment is the country of Guatemala and you are to read through the latest peace agreement seeking to identify the items indicated above, and fill them in on the worksheet similar to the example provided

– Note how condensed the information is in the attached table example. Your responses should be similarly condensed.

– No additional documents are required to complete this order other than the latest peace agreement for Guatemala which may be found through the USIP website as indicated above in HINT I.

-Note: I am not certain if the following link is the latest peace agreement, therefore you will have to verify using the USIP website to make sure you are using the most recent peace agreement for Guatemala. 


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Other Subject: Public policy peace operations
Reference No:- TGS01437840

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