
Public interests in the united states only

‘Public Interests’.

This research should be based on one specific ‘Public Interests’ in the United States only.

The required research Textbook is ‘The Politics of the administration process (5th edition) Washington, DC:CQ Press, Div. of SAGE written by D.F Kettl (2012); chapter 1 and 7.

APA Formatting and Style Guide: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Research paper instruction one page summary, single-spaced,12pt. font on chapter 1 and 7.

Please include in the summary (back page)a chart, diagram or table that expresses an at-a-glance view on a main idea in the reading, included in the one page research summary, a current event (within one year) issue relative to the topic. A number of sources may be consulted, including: articles from newspapers, on-line news, news magazines, journals, news and or political television shows. Any number of sources can be cited.

Research paper layout:

First paragraph should be based on topic of focus ( a brief overview of the chapter)

Second paragraph should be based on ‘What I already know’ (discussing your understanding of the chapter; include a citation from a very current article on the topic)

Third paragraph based on ‘What i know now’ (describe how your diagram, chart, or table expresses an at-a-glance view of what you learned in the chapter).

Fourth and final paragraph ‘What i do not know’ (briefly discuss points in the readings that are unclear). Just a few lines that you would like to know more about.

Note that the entire research should not take sides on the ‘Public Interest’, should be impartial

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