Public expectations pertaining to welfare institutions

Question 1:

(a) Managing Public and Private Welfare Institutions has assumed major importance in the modern era. Discuss this statement giving suitable examples.

(b) Welfare Institutions suffer from ill-conceived perceptions. Using instances illustrate out this statement.

Question 2:

Make distinction clearly between public and private welfare institutions stressing the basic difference in their overall administration. Illustrate out using instances.

Question 3:

Dealings with internal and external clients can be very challenging. Discuss and illustrate out this statement taking in consideration welfare institutions.

Question 4:

Write concise notes on any two of following:

a) Types of welfare Institutions.

b) Public expectations pertaining to welfare institutions.

c) Budget and Funding management of welfare institutions.

d) Significance of record keeping in welfare institutions.

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Other Subject: Public expectations pertaining to welfare institutions
Reference No:- TGS08294

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