
Pubh6008 leadership in healthcare assignment reflective

Leadership in healthcare Assignment: Reflective Journal

Document a journal of your own leadership development from the start to the end of this unit.

This is a personal reflection of your leadership development journey, filtered through the lens of organizational leadership frameworks. The purpose of the assignment is to reflect upon your leadership development journey over the course of the unit, either in chorological order or by thematic areas. The assignment should provide analysis of your learning experience illuminated by theory (which could be drawn from your academic studies and/or your own reading) and own practice from your work experience. The aspects of leadership included could be either negative and or positive experiences - some of which you have or have chosen not to follow. The assignment should also discuss what areas of leadership you will like to cultivate as you continue on your journey of leadership development.

Some guidelines

For detailed guidelines on how to write a learning reflective journal, I have uploaded a document on reflection on which these guidelines are based.

Ideally, it is important to write in your reflective journal on a daily basis but if you are busy then at least on a weekly basis following each module, write in your reflective dairy. This is important because if you leave everything to the last minute, you may not remember most of your significant learning insights.

For each module, write down a summary of the key points, as the materials are being covered Online each week by answering the question,"

1. What did I learn today? Was the content new or something that I already knew? Specify the content and give examples i.e. of where your learnt about them. Specify content which was new.

2. What major new insights came out of the module this week? Specifically, what did the material mean to you?

3. How can the information learned be applied to your daily life? i.e. think about how you are going to use knew knowledge (leadership concepts and theories), how you are going to adopt new leadership skills, attitudes, and practices. This is probably one of the most important aspects for this assignment. The section is asking you to engage with the concepts intellectually at a deeper level and integrate what you have learnt from the unit into your own ways of acting, doing and thinking. For example, at the beginning of the unit, you must have had some expectations or goals for participating in this unit. And remember from my introduction, I mentioned that taking a leadership education unit/program is part of your own leadership development. This is where you will need to showcase your own on-going leadership development in your life course after completing the unit for academic purposes.

What you will submit for an assessment

Based on your journal entries, you are required to prepare a reflective paper which you will submit as an assignment for assessment. The structure of the reflective paper can either be chronological or thematic. In either case, the paper should include, an abstract that introduces what the paper is about, main body with subtitles outlining topic areas, which we have covered in this unit and a concussion that distills key learning insights and next steps in your leadership development journey. In summary, this should be a synthesis of your leadership journal, with a suggested outline as below;


What were your starting points- at the beginning of the unit, what were your expectations and goals as far as your leadership development path is concerned? You can also include why you wanted to take the module. Give a brief overview of how you studied the unit (i.e. how you accessed the module learning materials and how you personally learned the unit content). Introduce the rest of paper i.e. what is the purpose of this paper, why reflection, what will you reflect on in this paper.

Other points: Mention somewhere that this paper is based on a learning journal which you have been writing over the course of the unit as a reflective practice. You can use a reflective practice models to frame your paper i.e. a theory that informed your reflection of the unit.

Main body/discussion

What have you learnt? What were your main learning insights? How are these learning insights going to further your leadership development. The main discussion of your reflective paper should address the following questions.

1. In your opinion what is Leadership?

2. Which theories of leadership best describe you as a leader and inform your leadership style?

3. Were you born a leader or you have learnt to be a leader? Specifically discuss your leadership characteristics, skills, qualities that make you think you were born a leader or you have learnt to be a leader or you are both. Also consider factors that have influenced you as a leader

4. Why is understanding the nature of leadership power and influence important to you?

5. Identify an experience where your effort to implement and sustain change failed, under similar circumstances and to be successful in future, how different are you going to implement change?

6. As far as your leadership development is concerned - where are you coming from? Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How are you going to get there?


Did your expectations from the unit or goals for taking the unit remain the same or change over the course of the unit? Why? Has the unit helped you to achieve your leadership development goals or not? Were your expectations met? How will you continue to develop your leadership after you finish the unit?

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Dissertation: Pubh6008 leadership in healthcare assignment reflective
Reference No:- TGS02308641

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