
Pubh6007 - describe and construct a program theory and

Program Design, Implementation and Evaluation

Describe and construct a program theory and program logic diagram for a program based on prioritisedneed

Construct a clear program plan using goals,objectives, strategies and indicators in preparation for implementation andevaluation

Design the implementation of a program,including;
stakeholder engagement, communication strategies, and budget and time management strategies


The second assignment builds on the Needs Assessment that you described in Assignment 1 in order to develop a program plan to address an identified need in your service or community.

Imagine you have conducted your needs assessment. Using the priorities for action that you identified, design a plan for a program to address this need including:

- The overarching goal of the program (the overall aim that you want to achieve via your program),
- Objectives (specific desired changes that will help to meet the overall goal). There should be at least 3objectives
- Strategies (how you will go about achieving your aim and objectives; the activities that will contribute to the achievement of the objectives)and
- Process indicators (part of the evaluation plan, usually process indicators measure the implementation of the program, helping you to monitor the progress and success of your program, see Keleher et al, 2008pp.118-119)

Use the table template provided to outline your goal, objectives, strategies and process indicators.

Ensure that your objectives and strategies are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic/Relevant, and Time-bound).Where possible, include multiple levels of action and multiple settings for your program (see Keleher et al, 2008 p124-129 and Round et al, 2005 p7-9)

Once you have completed the table, using either the template or PEW, write a brief overview of your program, outlining how it will be put into operation, the inputs or resources required (financial, human and physical) and identify any potential risks or challenges to your plan and how you might address them (these may arise from your SWOT analysis, considered in Assignment 1).

Assessment Criteria:

Demonstrates ability to write a clear program plan including a goal, objectives and strategies using the SMART process and process indicators.
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of and ability to incorporate, multiple levels of intervention into their program plan.
Demonstrates critical reasoning and analysis skills in writing a coherent rationale and outline for their proposed program.
Critical analysis of potential implementation issues including required resources and potential challenges.
General assessment criteria(10%):
o Provides a lucidintroduction
o Shows a sophisticated understanding of the keyissues
o Shows ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to chosentopic
o Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevantconcepts
o Shows evidence of reading beyond the requiredreadings
o Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments and not merely assertions
o Provides a conclusion orsummary
o Correctly uses academic writing, presentation andgrammar:
- Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details (including referencelist)
- Writes clearly, with accurate spelling and grammar as well as proper sentence and paragraphconstruction
- Uses appropriate APA style for citing and referencingresearch

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