
Pubh 6035 epidemiology uncovering the science of public

PubH 6035 Epidemiology: Uncovering the Science of Public Health – Spring 2016

Module 2 Assignment: Descriptive Epidemiology Case Study

To complete the assignment, access the following resource:

Howlader N, Noone AM, Krapcho M, Garshell J, Miller D, Altekruse SF, Kosary CL, Yu M, Ruhl J, Tatalovich Z,Mariotto A, Lewis DR, Chen HS, Feuer EJ, Cronin KA (eds). SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2012, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD, https://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2012/, based on November 2014 SEER data submission, posted to the SEER web site, April 2015.

Using the “Browse the Tables and Figures” function, find the information in the SEER Cancer Statistics Review to answer the following questions:

Note: All questions are worth 1 point unless otherwise marked

Overview  (Select “Overview” from the Section drop-down menu)

1) What is the estimated number of new cancer cases for 2015, for all cancer sites combined?


2) What is the estimated number of cancer deaths for 2015 from stomach cancer?


Annual Incidence Rates (Select the specific cancer site from the Section drop-down menu and then the appropriate table)

3) Find the 2012 age-adjusted incidence rates for brain and other nervous system cancer. What was the rate for both sexes? ____________________

a. What was the 2012 age-adjusted incidence rate for males? ___________________

b. What was the 2012 age-adjusted incidence rate for females? __________________

c. Interpret each of these two sex-specific rates in words by putting these data into a sentence (don’t forget the denominators!). Then, discuss how these two rates compare to each other (for example, which rate is higher? By how much?)

(4 points)


4) Find the 1975-2012 age-adjusted incidence rates for testicular cancer. What was the rate for males of all races? _______________________

a. What was the 1975-2012 age-adjusted incidence rate for white males?__


b. What was the 1975-2012 age adjusted incidence rate for black males?


c. Interpret each of these two race-specific rates in words by putting these data into a sentence (don’t forget the denominators!). Then, discuss how these two rates compare to each other (for example, which rate is higher? By how much?)

(4 points)


5) What method and population was used to age-adjust these rates? 

(3 points)


6) Why is age-adjustment particularly important when publishing cancer incidence and mortality rates?.

(5 points)


5-Year Relative and Period Survival (Select the specific cancer site from the Section drop-down menu and then the appropriate table)

7) Find the 5-Year relative survival (%) for 2005-2011 by age at diagnosis formelanoma of the skin.

a. What was the 5-year relative survival for:

i. Persons <45 years old at diagnosis? ________________

ii. Persons 45-54 years old at diagnosis?_______________

iii. Persons 55-64 years old at diagnosis?_______________

iv. Persons 65-74 years old at diagnosis?_______________

v. Persons 75 and older at diagnosis?_________________

b. Describe in words these differences in 5-year relative survival by age:

(4 points)

c. Now look at these same age-specific statistics for Whites (both sexes) and Blacks (both sexes). Describe any similarities or differences you see in the 5-year relative survival by age.(4 points)

d. Based on the data in this table, can conclusions be drawn as to why these race-specific statistics are similar or different? Why or why not?

(4 points)

Age-Adjusted Cancer Death Rates (Select the specific cancer site from the Section drop-down menu and then the appropriate table)

8) Find the age-adjusted cancer death rates by state (both sexes), for lung and bronchus cancer.

a. Which state has the highest age-adjusted death rate from lung and bronchus cancer?


b. Which state has the lowest age-adjusted death rate from lung and bronchus cancer? 


9) Scroll down to the map of the United States showing the state-specific cancer death rates from lung and bronchus cancer.

a. In which regions of the United States are the states with the highest cancer death rates generally located?


b. In which regions of the United States are the states with the lowest cancer death rates generally located? 


10) Based on this map, how would you target public health strategies to reduce the cancer death rate from lung and bronchus cancer?  What epidemiological evidence does the map provide that is useful? What information does it not provide?

(5 points)


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