psychosocial therapypsychosocial therapy is one


Psychosocial therapy is one of  the important treatment modaIities used for the patients with mental disorders. It is given along with other therapies or separately. 

Definition of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is defined as a  form of  treatment of  an emotional nature in which trained person purposefully develops a professional relationship with objective of removing, modifying or reducing the presenting symptoms. 

Goals of Psychotherapy

  • The goals of  psychotherapy are to: 
  • Establish therapeutic relationship with the patient. 
  • Change specific maladaptive patterns of  behaviour. 
  • Reduce or eliminate environment which may  be causing such a behaviour.
  • Help patient to develop sense of self identity, and 
  • Help patient to improve in his/her interpersonal and communication skill.  


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Biology: psychosocial therapypsychosocial therapy is one
Reference No:- TGS0176361

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