
Psychology in Life

General Psychology - UC Berkeley


By now, I'm hoping that you've come to recognize that your world is filled with examples of neuroscience  and cognitive psychology at work. In these first few weeks of this semester, you have been exposed to some of  the examples of how these fields of psychology are engrained in every aspect of our life. In this first assignment,  you must describe an everyday experience in your life, and then relate it to two of the following topics:
Vision/Perception Memory The Brain and Nervous System
Neurotransmitter, Neurons, and Drugs Somatosensory Systems
For example, you could discuss how memory along with vision and perception relate to your attempt to  shop for your groceries (NOTE: you CANNOT use this example in your paper).
To complete this paper, you must first identify and describe the situation/experience that you chose to  write about. Then, you must describe how the two topics that you chose work within that situation/experience.
And finally, you must summarize the psychological components of both of the topics that you chose, specific to  that situation (e.g. for the memory section in the previous example, you would describe the different types of  memory that link to grocery shopping, then provide relevant information about memory and forgetting ). In this  final part, it is important that you describe and define in detail how the psychological terminology relates to the  situation/experience that you chose. These write-ups should be detailed enough for your reader to fully understand the situation/experience that you are describing AND to identify with certainty that you understand  the psychological topics that you chose.
Your Grade Will Be Based On:
I. A clear description of the situation/behavior that was experienced/observed
II. An accurate description of how the two topics that you chose to relate to the situation/experience
III. A clear and accurate summation of the different components within the topics that you chose
IV. Proper grammar, creativity, and depth of coverage in the paper
V. Properly formatted in-text citations and reference list (use APA Format)
Assignments should be a maximum of two, typed, double-spaced, regularly margined pages in length.
You will not lose points having a paper that is shorter than two pages, but if you are fulfilling all of the  requirements, your paper will be at least one full page.
Make sure that your paper is written as an expository essay. It needs to be coherent, with smooth  transitions between topics, and it must be in essay form. You should not have different sections in your paper.
There should also be no bullet points or other forms of separation in the paper.
Please write several drafts, spell check, proofread, and revise your work before handing in your  assignment. You will not receive full credit if your assignment contains multiple grammatical, spelling, or stylistic  mistakes. The University offers resources to help refine your writing. Your GSI will not be able to proofread drafts.
Papers must be submitted in hard copy at the start of your assigned section. Late work will receive half credit only if it is turned within one week of the due date. Work turned in after one week will not be accepted. No  make-up work or re-writes will be offered or accepted.
Any further questions about this assignment can be emailed to your GSI.
A Caution About Plagiarism and Cheating:
Use your own words! Plagiarism and cheating in this assignment are not tolerated. Anyone caught  submitting work that is in some way not their own will receive a 0 on the paper and an entire grade reduction on their final grade. Plagiarism can exist in many forms. Examples of plagiarism include:
1) Copying statements and writings of another without correctly acknowledging their contribution.
2) Using the views and statements of others in your papers in a manner that makes them seem as if  they were your own original views and statements.
3) Constant paraphrasing and copying of statements throughout your paper (this can be considered plagiarism even if you cite your sources if you are doing this too frequently).
4) Submitting a past paper that you have used, or submitting someone else's paper.
If you have a question or concern about this, please contact me immediately. DON'T leave room for uncertainty

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Science: Psychologyinlifenbspgeneralpsychology-
Reference No:- TGS01507493

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