Create a response to each of the posts below in under 100 wrds but greater than 50. Must be in your own words.
Post 1
Albert Einstein was influential in all three categories but I believe he is most known for his scientific accomplishments. He brought new understanding to how we think about the natural world, referred to as the Einsteinian revolution (McClellan, 365). He published a series of papers in 1905 which redirected modern physics (McClellan, 368). "Einstein posited that the speed of light is the same for all observers and as a consequence, measurements of space and time must differ in frames of reference that are moving relative to each other." (Einstein, 1). The theory also predicted the equivalence of mass and energy, expressed by the famous equation E = mc2, which later became the basis for the development of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons (Einstein, 1). Special relativity, how bodies move relatively to one another, was the most dramatic paper. Einstein introduced the general theory of relativity, which said gravity warped space and time by the presence of energy or matter (Einstein, 1).
Post 2
Psychology did not gain much popularity until 19th century. There were lots of conflicts between psychology/natural philosophy and physical sciences (McClellan, 2006). One way sciences of the mind have changed our perspectives on humanity is from experimental psychologist, Ivan Pavlov's, research of condition reflexes. In Pavlov's experiment, dogs were conditioned to associate a sound with the presentation of food (McClellan, 2006). Eventually, when the dogs heard the noise, they would start salivating even when food wasn't present. Although he conducted his experiment of dogs, other well-known psychologist extended his research onto humans. J.B Watson, added onto to Pavlov's research and made a stimulus-response model, this ended up becoming a different form of psychology called Behaviorism (McClellan, 2006). This has changed people's perspective because it is basically training the mind to act upon certain things. PTSD is an example of this. When some members of the military experience something traumatic, they often link that trauma to something like a loud bang and that becomes a trigger for some.
Another famous psychologist that has changed the perspective of humanity is Alfred Binet. He created the first IQ tests. This changed many thing because now people can actually be measured by their intelligence. In World War I the army actually administered these IQ tests to 2 million soldiers to see where they stand (McClellan, 2006). That was very important because now, we are tested for everything. ASVAB, SAT's, ETS, and so on.
Post 3
Darwin had a theory that all living things evolved from something and that evolution was based on natural selection. Darwin's theory gained popularity among many scientists but some had their own ideas of evolution and many tried to discount Darwin's theory. Many religious groups disliked Darwin's theory and many tried to counter against him.
In 1940 things started to change with the discovery of the gene and implementing the Darwinism theory with the new find. They discovered that with in the genes of a living thing it holds hereditary traits and also understanding the combination of complex patterns with in a gene they were able to explain the operation of natural selection. With the discovery of DNA which was the work of Watson and Crick in 1953, they had broken down the structure of DNA and discovered that the structure of DNA was a double helix structure. With the discovery of DNA, they were able to explain evolution at a molecular level.
Now with the discovery of the double helix structure they have unearthed the key to understanding the code of every living things existence. This helped many to understand evolution itself. With Darwin's theory the doors opened to so many possibilities to explain how we came to be, how we evolved and understanding who we are as individuals. Although there many debates on Darwin's theory, many scientists till this day use the theory to explain how certain living could have evolved from something else. With the two, DNA and Darwin. So many things came to light to discovery of who we are and what hereditary traits that we have and how we evolved. This changed many people's ideas of life and where we come from.