Psychology and health issues program

Select one of the following widespread psychology-related health issues:

· Stress
· Employee conflict in the workplace
· Obesity
· Substance abuse
· Mental health
· Diabetes
· Stroke
· Cancer

Providean overview of the selected health issue and of psychology's role in health.

Review at least one current psychology education program within your employer or your community that educates people about that disease or condition. If you are not sure where to find information, check your employer's website or human resources department, your city's website, the local community hospital's website, or the county health department website.

Propose improvements to the selected psychology education or awareness program targeted at the population most affected by the health issue. Build on the existing program you are researching.

Writea 1,500- to 1,750-word paper in which you combine your health issue overview, your review of the education program, and your proposal to improve the program.

Include the following:

· Identify the psychology health issue and describe characteristics of the individuals or group most affected by the disease.
· Discuss risk factors that can be controlled, how to control them, and risk factors that cannot be controlled.
· Discuss developmental, gender, and sociocultural factors that impact the health issue.
· Discuss the treatment options available to individuals and groups.
· Describe health-related behavior and health promotion strategies to address this health issue
· Discuss lifestyles changes that are needed to enhance health and to prevent illness.

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Biology: Psychology and health issues program
Reference No:- TGS0522737

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