
Psychological preparation process

This case study is evaluated:

"Gerry is a tall and lean 64 year old male pacing the floor at the cardiologist's office. He has been experiencing rigorous chest tightness and shortness of breath for some days, however has not told his wife because her father recently passed away from a massive heart attack. She is still mourning the loss. Gerry's cardiologist has just told him that he ne1. To what degree and in what ways does Psychology think regarding health and health care?

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Into his busy schedule as a real estate broker for a commercial real estate company in Boston. He now wonders if all of the additional time at the office he put in to climb up the ladder of success was worth it."

The solution then describes which psychological preparation process would be most suitable for the patient based on his or her background, coping style, and behaviors.

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Other Subject: Psychological preparation process
Reference No:- TGS029467

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