
Psychiatric assessment for a juvenile crisis center


You are a 23-year-old LPN/LVN graduate performing intake psychiatric assessment for a juvenile crisis center. Today, Helen, a 17-year-old girl, presents to your unit after a suicide attempt. She will be in a 48-hour hold.

There is an immediate attraction between the two of you. She discharges herself after 48 hours. Other than performing the intake assessment, you never provided any direct client care for her. One month later, you decide to call her, under the guise of a follow-up call, which is not in your job description/duties.

Since you never provided any client care, you decide to ask her out on a date. You begin dating and your activities included, but were not limited to, drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and engaging in intimate sexual activities.

After 6 months, you begin to tire of your relationship and you end it. Three months later, you receive a registered letter from your state board of nursing ordering you to appear at a disciplinary hearing. As a result of this hearing, your nursing license is suspended for 2 years. The board also notified your employer, who terminated you. During the 2-year suspension, you have been mandated to participate in a chemical dependency program, to take a remediation course in client confidentiality and to adhere to the privacy stipulations set forth in the HIPPA. After completion of these activities and completing the 2-year suspension, you can petition the board of nursing to restore your licensure.

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Other Subject: Psychiatric assessment for a juvenile crisis center
Reference No:- TGS03280145

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